Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a unique number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is used to help foreign individuals comply with US tax laws.


Our ITIN process

Here is a brief breakdown of how we can help you get a new ITIN.

This ITIN is for Federal tax purposes only, and does not change your immigration status or your right to work in the US. An ITIN number does not make you eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC), Child Tax Credit (CTC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC).

  1. We will help you complete the application form (Form W-7). We will ensure that all the details are filled out correctly and that the form is completed fully to avoid delays.
  2. Next, we will go over all the supporting documents that you will need to provide and check that the form is ready for submission.
  3. We will then issue a Certificate of Accuracy to the IRS. This will reassure them that your application is authentic, accurate and complete. This certificate will also help speed up the process so that you are issued an ITIN much sooner.
  4. Our Certifying Acceptance Agent will submit your application to the IRS ITIN Operations office for processing. Our agent submits the applications on the same day.
  5. Finally, Kent Notaries will receive a copy of your ITIN from the IRS and will then provide you with a copy of the document.

Kent Notaries

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